Unfortunately, it often takes a catastrophic event to trigger the realization that you need professional help. Family members know that there’s a problem, but don’t always have the tools to address the issue before there is violence, a DUI/arrest, or an overdose.
Arahant Mental Wellness works with families to help them better understand the issues and possible solutions for their loved one. First, we educate the family on the condition, treatment options, expense, and potential outcomes. We seek to understand the family and to help them develop a plan of action to best fit their situation.
After several meetings the addicted family member is invited to join the discussion. At these sessions we use a family therapy model where the “system is the patient”. This approach shows the afflicted individual that they are a part of the process and have a voice in the outcome. In addition, these sessions often allow exploration of family issues that may be a factor in the condition.
- We do not ambush or confront the afflicted family member
- We need input and agreement from the patient
- Interventionists are not licensed in the state of Colorado
- Many interventionists are affiliated with a particular treatment center and their advice may not be in the best interest of the family or patient.
Our goal is to help the entire family recover from the destructive forces that often accompany addiction and mental illness. Please reach out to schedule your intervention consultation appointment. We’re here to help.