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The History of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)
I thought this blog topic may be of interest to anyone who is seeking alternative depression treatments or may be considering TMS treatment. “How did anyone ever think of using magnets to treat the brain?” I have been asked this question by many of our patients when I am sitting with them to do the …
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Cutting-Edge Treatment for Mental Illness
In the 1960’s Gene Roddenberry created Star Trek to bring his vision of hope and harmony for mankind to life. The world of Star Trek was filled with technological advances that helped humans live better lives by eradicating conflict, famine, poverty and disease. A device called a “communicator” would allow two-way long distance communication without …
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Marijuana, Suicide, and Cognitive Dysfunction
In response to: Colorado father: “Marijuana killed my son” – – March, 2019 This story is tragic and hits particularly close to home because it happened in our community. We’ve seen firsthand how the legalization of cannabis in Colorado has lead to unintended consequences and in this case made this person’s mental illnesses worse, …
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TMS and Cognitive Enhancement
Cognitive enhancement is targeted at augmentation of one or several of the key information processing systems of the brain. The areas targeted include those responsible for memory, attention, perception, reasoning, motor function and conceptualization [1]. Cognitive enhancement is possible because of neuroplasticity – the brain’s ability to evolve and change its structure even late into …
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