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Targeting the Physical Source of Depression with TMS
Mile High Sports Magazine – Guest Article #1 – Aug. 2019 by Dr. Hy Gia Park and Dr. Charles Park “Can’t you just be happy?! Get over it! It’s only in your head.” These are typical remarks that depressed individuals frequently hear. Implicit in these statements are: if you are depressed, you are not trying …
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Kids Discussing Mental Health – Children of Arahant Doctors Share Their Voices
Since this is our first blog post, we would like to introduce ourselves. This blog will be written by a 9th grader, a 7th grader, and a 4th grader, who is also our youngest writer. We are siblings who have two board-certified psychiatrists as parents. To start off with our oldest writer’s opinion: I …
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Treating Mental Illness and Substance Abuse in Colorado
Transcript: Mental health is a crisis impacting our youth in our community as a whole suicide is the seventh leading cause of death in Colorado with three of our neighbors taking their own life every day. Each suicide costs Colorado 1.2 million dollars – that doesn’t include the pain and suffering of loved ones. Successful …
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Treating Autism
Response to: Treating autism: Gut bacteria may offer a treatment for autism I have often been asked by many of the parents and caregivers of my patients with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) about using probiotics, supplements of live “good” or “helpful” bacteria, in treating these conditions. They have seen the wonders of probiotics touted …
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The 3 Minute Breathing Space
“Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way, on purpose, in the present moment non-judgmentally.” Jon Kabat-Zenn Our day-to-day existence consists of multitasking, many of which are automatic routines, so we often find that our attention is not within our realm of control. It’s like our minds have a mind of their own. Having the …
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