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Kids Discussing Mental Health – Children of Arahant Doctors Share Their Voices
Since this is our first blog post, we would like to introduce ourselves. This blog will be written by a 9th grader, a 7th grader, and a 4th grader, who is also our youngest writer. We are siblings who have two board-certified psychiatrists as parents. To start off with our oldest writer’s opinion: I …
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Marijuana, Suicide, and Cognitive Dysfunction
In response to: Colorado father: “Marijuana killed my son” – – March, 2019 This story is tragic and hits particularly close to home because it happened in our community. We’ve seen firsthand how the legalization of cannabis in Colorado has lead to unintended consequences and in this case made this person’s mental illnesses worse, …
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Treating Autism
Response to: Treating autism: Gut bacteria may offer a treatment for autism I have often been asked by many of the parents and caregivers of my patients with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) about using probiotics, supplements of live “good” or “helpful” bacteria, in treating these conditions. They have seen the wonders of probiotics touted …
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Pregnant Teens’ Marijuana Use Twice As High As Non-pregnant Peers
Nora D. Volkow, MD, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, and her associates reported in a letter on April 17, 2017 in the Annals of Internal Medicine that past-month prevalence of marijuana use among pregnant teens aged 12-17 years was 14% compared with 6.5% for their non-pregnant peers. This study involved 410,000 females …
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